Elderly male robbed of phone, cash in Verulam – KZN

A 67 year old man was robbed shortly after he was exiting the Verulam CBD - KZN on Thursday. The incident took place in the afternoon

Elderly male robbed of phone, Cash in Verulam - KZN, Image: Facebook
Elderly male robbed of phone, Cash in Verulam - KZN, Image: Facebook

South Africa: A 67-year-old man was robbed shortly after he was exiting the Verulam CBD – KZN on Thursday. The incident took place in the afternoon hours of the day. The crime was witnessed by a member of the Reaction Unit South Africa.

The said reaction officer was travelling on Old Main Road when he witnessed the victim being choked from the rear. One of the suspects was holding the victim down while his accomplice was searching him.


The reaction unit officer started to approach the suspects and the victim, trying to intervene. Meanwhile, the robbers fled on foot when they noticed the approaching marked Response Vehicle.

The Reaction Officer requested backup from the Operations Centre. At this time, the officer pursued the robbers on foot through the Verulam Taxi Rank. After some chase, the reaction officer lost sight of them in the large crowd of people waiting to board their transport.

The victim informed backup Officers that the sought after males stole his Nokia cellphone and R150 in cash. The victim has not reported any serious injuries as a result of the robbery attempt.

The officials have started an investigation into the matter. Meanwhile, some locals of the Verulam Area of KwaZulu Natal have shared that the robberies of Nokia devices have seen a dramatic increase in the region.

Previously, robbers had attacked an off-duty law enforcement officer to rob his device. Notably, the people in the region shared that they have stopped using the brand of mobile devices, fearing that it will be stolen.

One of the social media users has expressed his disappointment on the situation of insecurity in the country. He shared, “Gosh it’s bad out der. We just have to be thankful to God we go and return safe.“


The social media user also shared his experience of visiting Verulam, amid the insecurity.

He shared that he was in Verulam today and crossed while the robot was green for cars to move. This was because a guy was following him from Vawdas Lane. And I could see him right by me staring at me. I just crossed and made the cars to wait. Wen I see Rusa moving abt I know we safe.

The people of KZN appreciated Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) for its efforts in keeping the roads of the region safe for its people.