IHF zone IV trophies: Zambian men’s teams reach semis

The Zambia Handball Under 20 and Under 18 men's  teams have qualified for the semifinals  of the 2024 IHF zone IV trophies.

IHF zone IV trophies: Zambian men's teams reach semis, Image: Facebook
IHF zone IV trophies: Zambian men's teams reach semis, Image: Facebook

Zambia: The Zambia Handball Under 20 and Under 18 men’s  teams have qualified for the semifinals  of the 2024 International Handball Federation ( IHF)  zone IV trophies. The games for the semi finale of the tournament will be held in Harare Zimbabwe.

The men’s handball team has been delighted with the achievement that they have recorded in the tournament so far. The members of the Handball Association of Zambia have shared their delight on seeing the team moving on to the semi finals.

Handball Association of Zambia (HAZ) president Bwalya Banda spoke to the media after the quarter finals victory. He has expressed delight at both teams’ performances thus far in the 2024 International Handball Federation ( IHF)  zone IV trophies.

Banda says the teams have positioned themselves well for the tournament and they have all it takes to reach the finals. The association president has expressed his confidence in the capabilities of the team.

He has accordingly challenged the teams to do everything  possible to win the tournament. They have been constantly performing well throughout the handball tournament

Zambia made their intentions clear from the onset  of the tournament by dominating all the games played and utilized  their chances well. The competition swung into action on the 5th and will run up to 12th  May  2024.

The media has been constantly monitoring the performances of both the Under 20 and Under 18 mens team in the tournament. They claimed that the two teams started  their journey of qualifying for the continental IHF competition when they faced  Namibia and Madagascar.

The two teams won bioth these matches and moved on to face their next opponents in the form of South Africa and Eswatini. The matches against South Africa and Eswatini were hosted on Wednesday.

Eight countries including hosts Zimbabwe, Namibia, South Africa and  Zambia are taking part in the regional competition  which will be used as qualifiers to the continental event and the Africa Cup of Nations slated for next year.