Melissa Skerrit announces 4th and 5th Women’s Symposiums

Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Melissa Poppone Skerrit is hosting the fourth and fifth edition of the Women’s Symposium.

Melissa Skerrit announces 4th and 5th Women's Symposiums, IMage: facebook
Melissa Skerrit announces 4th and 5th Women's Symposiums, Image: facebook

Dominica: Minister of Housing and Urban Development in the government of Dominica, Melissa Poppone Skerrit is hosting the fourth and fifth edition of the Women’s Symposium. The event will be hosted over the first weekend of June, with the fourth edition being hosted on Saturday and Fifth on Sunday.

The initiative was originally hosted as a part of the International Women’s Day Celebration on March 8. However, the discussions and motivational stories recounted in the  event struck a chord with the attending women.

Accordingly, the women of the country urged the Minister Melissa Skerrit to continue organizing these events. The event serves as an opportunity for the women of Dominica to come together and discuss their issues and circumstances.

The Women’s Symposium is hosted under the theme of Find your Peace and Purpose. The aim of the initiative is to guide and support the women of the country towards finding better avenues for their all around development.

Minister Skerrit urged the women of the country to participate and highlight the struggles that they face in their everyday life. The fourth and fifth edition of the women’s symposium is being supported by the Melissa Skerrit Foundation.

The event will also feature the minister in the capacity of a speaker. Skerrit has invited the women to share their experiences and learn from that of the other community members. The other speakers who would share their experience in the interactive event include:

Dr. Thecla Fitz (DBA Leadership and Organization Psychology)

Dr Adis King (Medical Doctor)

Dr. Nadia Pacquette- Anselm (Guest Speaker)

Natalie Andrea Joseph (Entrepreneur)

The event will also feature testimonies from surprise speakers, who would be revealed on the day of the event. Furthermore, the fourth edition of the event will be hosted at the State House Conference Room, starting 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

The dress code for the event will be aqua green or gold. Meanwhile, the ffth edition, slated for Sunday, June 2 will be hosted at the Rosalie Bay Resort. The dress code will be Yellow, Black and White.

The attendants will be provided with snacks and drinks on both the venues.