NICE prepare observers for upcoming by-elections in Karonga

National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) is training the officials to help in the peaceful, free and fair elections in Karonga.

NICE prepare observers for upcoming by-elections in Karonga, Image: facebook
NICE prepare observers for upcoming by-elections in Karonga, Image: facebook

Malawi: National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) has been training the officials to help in the peaceful, free and fair execution of the elections in Karonga. The district is observing the Local government by-elections.

NICE hosted a one day orientation for the observers of the election process to make them familiar with their duties. The organization has urged its observers to be impartial throughout the process and discharge their duties diligently.

NICE’s Civic Education Officer for Karonga, Mabvuto Mkandawire delivered brief remarks at the one day orientation programme. The event was attended by 19 NICE observers from Karonga who were preparing for the by-elections.

The Local government By-elections for the Kaporo, Chilanga and Rukulu Wards will be held on Monday, March 26.

Mkandawire said, “Our aim is to make sure that the by-elections are free and fair. He also added that this can only happen if our observers know their roles and obligations. The training programme for the elections will help them conduct their work according to the electoral laws”.

“We emphasise neutrality among our observers. Much as we know that they might have party affiliations, but as they discharge their duties on the polling day, they should be impartial to ensure that we have a credible election.”

One of the observers of the upcoming by-elections, Lyson Silindu, is also the area civic education coordinator for Wiliro Block. She said NICE has trained them in new electoral laws, which will help them ensure the by-elections are credible.

“Local government elections are very important, and I will be impartial during this exercise. I would also like to advise my colleagues to do the same and utilise the knowledge that has been imparted to us today inorder for us to perform professionally on polling day,” said Silindu.

The local government by-elections in Karonga are being held after three ward councillors were convicted of fraudulent activities. They were accused of bribing K2.4 million from vendors in exchange for plots.