Simayakwe Ward needs better Maternity Facilities: Leadership

Mudiyan Village Headman in Simayakwe Ward, Royd Muleya, has called for the construction of a maternity wing at Nazilongo Rural Health Post.

Simayakwe Ward needs better Maternity Facilities: Leadership, Image: facebook
Simayakwe Ward needs better Maternity Facilities: Leadership, Image: facebook

Zambia: Mudiyan Village Headman in Simayakwe Ward, Royd Muleya, has called for the construction of a maternity wing at Nazilongo Rural Health Post. The village falls under the Kalomo District and does not have adequate facilities for new and expectant mothers.

The village headman acknowledged the issue and called on the administration of the district to give the women access to better medical facilities. He shared the situation that the women of his village have to face during a media interview with a radio station.

He asserted that he was concerned due to the inadequate conditions at current the health post in the ward. He revealed that the women are forced to give birth in a cramped and poorly ventilated room.

He also added that the room is very often overcrowded and improper for the birthing process. The Village headman also highlighted that the absence of proper facilities is disrespectful for the new mothers.

The new mothers need several facilities and utmost care during and after the process of childbirth Accordingly, Royd Muleya asserted that women deserve a respectful and suitable environment during childbirth.

Further, Simayakwe Ward Councilor, Miyoba Muloongo also acknowledged the pressing need for better facilities. The expecting and new mothers in the districts also have to travel long distances to get access to some maternal facilities in the event that their community does not have any health posts.

In some cases, the health post that is available in a particular community is not well equipped to tend to the needs of the people. Accordingly, the village heads, ward councillors and other representatives take their needs to the administration.

The government of Kalomo district has been looking into  the situation, with the aim of finding a lasting solution. According to the Simayakwe Ward Councilor, Miyoba Muloongo, the local authorities are actively exploring solutions.

They want to ensure the construction of a maternity annex at the health post. Through this new development, they can affectively improve the healtcare conditions for mothers.