ZRP to find young boys in viral video, drinking openly in Harare

Harare, Zimbabwe: A viral video of children is spreading all over the internet, especially on WhatsApp. The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) is investigating the case of the young boys seen in the video that went viral on social media.

In the video, minors can be seen drinking beer openly in public in Harare, the central business district (CBD) of Zimbabwe. According to the police, the investigation is being done now.


Under the ongoing investigation, the cops are still identifying the place and the young boys. The police are also their parents and the person who might have facilitated the acquisition of alcohol by the minors.

The viral video was captured on Christmas Day. The footage consists of a group of young boys between five to ten years of age who are consuming alcohol seemingly with the consent of their parents.

In the video, a young boy can be heard and seen telling his mother that someone was taking footage of them. While telling her mother, the boy shouted, “Mom, someone is taking pictures of us.”

As per the statement given by Zimbabwe Republic Police on Tuesday, the cops were in the process of pinpointing the venue and determining the identities of individuals. They implicated and identified the parents and the person or suppliers who sold the alcohol to those youngsters.

Reportedly, the police are investigating strictly as the selling or giving children alcohol or access to alcohol is an offence.

The National Police Spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi responded, “We are aware of the video being circulated and for now, investigations are in progress.” He added to his statement, “We will update you on any developments soon.”


He mentioned that the Southern African Alcohol Policy Alliance in Zimbabwe (SAAPA ZW) is deeply concerned about the video circulating on social media, as it displays the children drinking alcohol in the streets of Harare on Christmas Day. The Police recorded that this was a grave violation of the Liquor Act, which regulates the trade of liquor in the country.

The SAAPA ZW said, “We are appalled by the lack of enforcement of the Liquor Act, which establishes a Liquor Licensing Board and confers powers and functions on officers in relation to licences and permits to sell liquor.”

“We are also alarmed by the proliferation of alcohol outlets in Harare, especially in residential areas, which make alcohol easily accessible and available to minors and vulnerable groups,” said SAAPA ZW.

As per the report by the World Health Organisation, Zimbabwe has the highest number of 15 to 19-year-olds in Africa who engage in episodic drinking, at 70.7 per cent among males and 55.5 per cent among females. This is a serious public health and social issue that needs urgent action.