Sign language interpreters needed for communication: Ruth Litebele

ZAPD member Ruth Litebele acknowledged that persons living with hearing impairment have continued to face barriers

Sign language interpreters needed for communication: Ruth Litebele, Image: facebook
Sign language interpreters needed for communication: Ruth Litebele, Image: facebook

Zambia: The Zambia Agency for Persons with Disability (ZAPD) member Ruth Litebele acknowledged that persons living with hearing impairment have continued to face barriers in communication. This according to them is caused due to lack of sign language interpreters in various institutions of the nation.

ZAPD Provincial Coordinator Ruth Litebele believes that the training of sign language training should be made available to citizens. This will help to ensure there is inclusivity in the dissemination of information for all the members of the community.

Sign language is an important communication skill for the deaf and mut members of the community. The introduction of sign language interpreters will help several students and youngsters.

Litebele appreciated the Ulendo Centre for Disability and Community Based Inclusiveness Development. She highlighted that they have taken up an initiative to train individuals in sign language.

Litebele made these remarks during the graduation of twenty students who graduated in sign language training recently.

Litebele said sign language training will help significantly in addressing the challenges faced by persons living with hearing impairment. She believes that persons with hearing impairment face numerous challenges in communicating with the environment and structures.

“The 2015 national disability survey estimated the disability prevalence rate at 7.7 percent, the survey also indicated that hearing impairment was one of the common functional problems hence this training is appropriate in addressing challenges that come with hearing impairment “,Ms Litebele said.

She added that there are very few public and  private institutions that have sign language interpreters which makes persons with hearing impairment excluded.

According to Litebele the trained personnel will help in ensuring reduction of the communication barrier. The sign language

She called on the management of the public institutions to have at least one sign language interpreter to enhance effective communication. Ulendo Sign Language Trainer Naomi Phiri said  this is important for people to make informed decisions they need proper communication channels.

Lack of sign language interpreters will exclude people living with hearing impairment from vital information. This will be like doing injustice to them.

“Whether you’re doing a live video please include captions so that everyone is included in receiving the information” she said.