
Saint Lucia: PM Philip J Pierre unveils logo for Universal Healthcare

Saint Lucia: The prime Minister of Saint Lucia has officially unveiled the Universal Healthcare logo for the country’s people. The administration led by Piere is dedicated to providing access to healthcare to all the people of the country. The prime Minister shared some glimpses from the official unveiling ceremony.

PM Pierre shared the update of the logo unveiling on their social media account. He claimed that his administration continues to work diligently to ensure that healthcare is accessible & affordable to every citizen of this country.

The Prime Minister further announced that his government plans to strengthen our primary healthcare facilities. Additionally, the administration wants to promote healthy lifestyles and mental well-being.

The Prime Minister claimed that they also recognise the need to address the high levels of Non- non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and other health-related issues. The Prime Minister revealed that the government would fund the aid of these treatments through the Health and Security Levy.

Concluding his social media post, the prime Minister of Saint Lucia urged the people to play their part in ensuring a healthy and happy nation.

Prime Minister Philip J Pierre addressed the stakeholders of the healthcare sector in the country during the unveiling ceremony of the logo. In his address, he claimed that “Universal Healthcare or Universal Health Coverage is more than just a project. Instead, it is a promise to our citizens.”

He announced. “It is a commitment to ensure that everyone in our nation (Saint Lucia) has access to healthcare, and it transcends boundaries.” The prime Minister added that it is about equitable, affordable, accessible and the highest quality of healthcare.”

PM Philip claimed that “The commitment embodies compassion, respect and unwavering belief that no one should be left behind.” He promised that his government (this government) will ensure that healthcare is accessible to as many people as possible.

He added that this is why they have the Health and Security Levy. According to him, it is an investment by the people of Saint Lucia to assist those who can not afford healthcare.

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