Teachers donate special education block to Goodhope Primary

Botswana: The teachers of the southern region are building a Special Education Block at Goodhope Primary School. They are undertaking this project as part of the National Teachers Day Corporate Social Responsibility.

The district currently does not have a special education unit. Accordingly, it is important for the members of ethe educational fraternity to step in. The donation will help the district provide the students with crucial educational opportunities.


This donation is meant to address the needs of the district in this regard. The new facility comprises of two classrooms; two offices; two storerooms; two sickbays; ablutions, showers and toilets.

The construction of the new special education unit is valued at P 1,700,000.00 including furnishings. The members of the teaching fraternity in the Southern Region understand the significance of quality education.

The teachers want to ensure that all the students can get access to the facilities they need to make sure they move on to bright futures. As per the officials, the facility is currently at 60% completion.

The facility is built by regional workforce including brigade lecturers, craft improvers and deputy school heads. The teaching fraternity did not utilize the services of any external contractors for the project.

The Minister of Education and Skills Development Dr. Douglas Letsholathebe toured the special education block. He commended Southern Region teachers for their noble act that will significantly impact the lives of the learners with special education needs the region.

He spoke to the educators, thanking them for their contribution to making sure children with special needs can get access to education.


Minister Letsholathebe said the establishment of this facility addresses a critical gap in our education infrastructure. At the same time it also reaffirms of the nation’s commitment to upholding the rights and dignity of every learner.

According to Regional Operations Director-Southern, Acro News Maseko, the project will also encompass a vocational education wing where learners will be empowered with various vocational and life skills.

Maseko said they have also secured a sponsorship of gadgets for Special Education learners upon the completion of the project. The project has received support and donations from among others Parents and Teachers Associations, non-teaching staff and the business community.

For its completion, the project requires additional resources and continues to solicit for sponsorship.