Malawi: Mangochi families recieve food assistance From MRCS

Malawi: The Malawi Red Cross Society (MRCS) has distributed food and non-food items to about 340 households affected by Cyclone Freddy in Mangochi. The aim of the donation drive is to relieve the pressure on the families affected by the Cyclone.

The donation drive was hosted at the Nansenga Community Day Secondary School in the area of Traditional Authority Mapira in the district. The Communications and Resource Mobilisation Specialist, Felix Washon, talked about the initiative at the venue.


He said that gesture is part of an intervention to reduce food insecurity and prevent malnutrition. Many people in the country had to leave their homes and livelihoods after the Cyclone Freddy. Many homes and businesses were affected by the natural disaster and forced to move to different cities.

Significant internal displacement took place in the countries which were affected by the five week long dangerous Cyclone. Malawi was one of the countries where the effect of the severe tropical Cyclone was worst.

The winds, storms and adverse weather conditions affected by the Cyclone led to significant damage of life and property. It was active in the Southern Indian Ocean for more than five weeks.

The MRCS team remembered the devastation caused by the natural disaster. Felix Washon said that the donation initiative will help the people.

“We believe the support will go a long way in alleviating the suffering of the people due to the negative impacts of Tropical Cyclone Freddy,” said Washon.

The initiative, according to Washon is being implemented at a total cost of K190 million with funding from Kuwait Red Crescent Society. A similar initiative is being implemented in the Mangochi district where MRCS is reaching out to 340 households.


Some of the items being distributed are packets of soya pieces, 40 kilogrammes of maize flour, cooking oil, sugar, mosquito nets, two plastic buckets and five tablets of soap per household.

The people are lauding the Malawi Red Cross society for assisting the unfortunate families. Some social media users have also urged the organization to help Cyclone Freddy Survivors in other areas and districts.