Kenya: Embu County witnessed the signing of four Participatory Forest Management Plans (PFMPs). The county hosted a colorful event representing Njukii-ini, Maranga hills, Irangi and Kirimiri forest stations.
The Participatory Forest Management Plans provide a management framework for sustainable management of the forest ecosystems. The officials have shared that these forest management plans are implemented in several counties of the country.
The forest management plans also provide the framework for the livelihoods improvement of forest adjacent communities. The officials have shared that the members of the Kenya Forest Service have been working hard to ensure adequate implementation of the plans
The Chief Guest of the event was the Madam Charity Munyasya. She was representing the Chief Conservator of Forests.
Further, she urged CFA members to utilize their user rights and adhere to the agreement for their benefit and towards sustainable forest conservation. She highlighted that the people have to adhere to grazing guidelines.
Under the said guidelines, the livestock should not be allowed in the forest overnight for the purpose of grazing. In addition, engagement in PELIS will be considered on a case to case basis once the requests have been received by the respective CFA’s.
The forests in Embu county boost of several attractive sites suitable for ecotourism including caves, rich flora and fauna, rivers and scenic sites. The four forests measure as follows: Irangi Forest 15,100ha; Njuki-ini East 454ha; Maranga hill 100ha; and Kirimiri hill 219ha.
Development of the PFMPs was developed in partnership with the Rainforest Alliance among other partners. Some of the challenges facing the forests include proliferation of Lantana camara an invasive species and lack of adequate housing for Forest Rangers. The Chief guest also urged CFAs to increase membership and mobilize more community members to join in.
Also present during the event was the Assistant Regional Forest Conservator, Eastern, Embu East Deputy County Commissioner, Rainfall Alliance Assistant Program Manager, County Forest Conservator among other stakeholders.